Les révolutions de couleur en Eurasie

"La situation dans le monde arabe secoué par des révoltes populaires risque d'aboutir à la désintégration de certains Etats et leur fractionnement en petits éclats. Un scénario similaire a également été préparé pour la Russie mais ce scénario n'a aucune chance de réussir" - Dimitri Medvedev, Vladikavkaz, Ossétie du Nord, 22 février 2011.


La globalización es una palabra de origen anglosajona que indica el proceso de unificación cultural, política y económica en acto en el ámbito planetario....


During an international summit in Erevan on 13th December 2013, the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmet Davutoğlu defined “inhuman” the deportations and massacres...

“Ситуация в Египте – очень сложная"

Тиберио Грациани- главный директор Итальянской журнала по изучению геополитики “Евразия”, и президент IsAG - Институт Высоких Занятий Геополитики и Вспомогательных Наук сдал интервью IRNA (Иранское государственное информационное агентство) о последних событиях в Египте.


Le texte suivant reproduit l’intervention du directeur d’”Eurasia” au colloque sur Jean Parvulesco qui a eu lieu à Paris le 23 novembre 2012.   Ma première...

Eurázsia és Magyarország – Interjú Claudio Muttival

Claudio Mutti az “Eurasia, Rivista di studi Geopolitici” című szemle főszerkesztője, a közép-európai folklór, és ezen belül a magyar néphagyomány kiváló kutatója. Számos tanulmánya...

Furthering South-Asian Economic Integration

The aim of this article is to cast light on the positive processes of south-Asian economic integration. It is divided into two principal parts. The first one is intended to describe the state of economic cooperation between Afghanistan and Pakistan focusing on the new transit trade agreement and on its capabilities to turn these two countries into a fundamental junction of the south-Asian trade. The second one concerns regional integration’s projects with a special focus on the energy field, which could result in the building of physical links in terms of gas and oil pipelines throughout the south-central Asian continent as well as in the satisfaction of the growing energy needs of countries like India and Pakistan. These two sections will be followed by a conclusion in which I’ll try to sum up the current state of the integration, underlining the weaknesses of this process and the main obstacles that it has to face.

Interview to Lizzie Phelan

Lizzie Phelan, from London, 25 years old, is an English journalist – even if she want to specify her marked Irish origins – who...

Geopolitică, geografie sacră, geofilosofie

După o definiţie generală, care încearcă să le sintetizeze pe cele date de diferiţi oameni de stiinţă, geopolitica poate fi considerată drept „studiul relaţiilor...

El sueño prohibido boliviano

Bolivia es actualmente un país sin costas marítimas, un Estado mediterráneo en el continente americano. Es desde fines del siglo XIX que padece esta...
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